Wednesday, 10 August 2011

Black and Whites

Yesterday most of The Mighty Titans came to school dressed in black and white because some of the Magpies rugby team were visiting Maraekakaho School. Don't we look fabulous?! We are currently working on individual blog posts about the events of this day so watch this space .....

..... and here they are. Our WALT was to entertain an audience, these are some of the best blog posts selected by the Mighty Titans following the criteria we set.

On Tuesday the 9th of August Hawkes Bay Magpies came for a visit to Maraekakaho School. They came into the library to answer some of our questions. Then the people who played rugby on the weekend went out on the field to do some training like drills. After that we got posters, Magpie posters of course, for free. They wrote their signatures on the poster. I love the Magpies because the Hawkes Bay Magpies are good because they train every day - they persist!
By Angus

On August the 9th, three Magpies came to Mkk, Brad Webber, Hugh Reed, Brodie Retallick and also one manager who was Dan Sommerville, and a man from PGG Wrightson. When I said the Magpies I'm meaning the rugby team not the bird! It was AMAZING! We asked them fantastic questions. We did drills and they gave us tips. The cool part was when they gave us posters and signatures! The drills were hard work but fun! We all got pretty cool tips and I hope the Magpies had as much fun as I did!
By Sam

Oh! and they scored a try, but we have to forget about that, we have to get on with the story. On Monday three Magpies came to Mkk School and their names were Hugh Reed, Brodie Retallick, and Brad Webber. They came to answer questions and they came to Maraekakaho School because it is full of fun like playing rugby. I loved all the drills they did with me because I love dodging cones. I like the Magpies because they are rugby players and rugby players do drills.
By Callum

Three Magpies came to Mkk School. The Magpies names were Brad Webber, Hugh Reed and Brodie Retallick. They came on August the 9th. One of the Magpies was taller than our shelves in the library. The whole school had to dress up in their best black and whites. Three of the Magpies came to Mkk School to work with the kids who played rugby on Saturday. Some of the MT's got the Magpies autograph. Some of the MT's got a poster from the Magpies.
By Aiden

The Magpies visited Mkk and the Kereru people came as well. We sang "Come on the Bay". The Magpies answered some of our questions. Then the Magpies played rugby. Then they gave posters out. Then they left. I liked it because I like to watch them play rugby. It was FUN!
By Adam

On Monday we met the Magpies. The Magpies we met were Hugh Reed, Brad Webber and Brodie Retallick. Those were the Magpies who came because they promote rugby and tell about rugby. They answered our burning questions. They were delighted to answer our questions that is why I like the Magpies, they are so cool. After that they did some drills. Nearly the whole school went out on the field. It was so fun, especially when you watched them. I wished I did it too, it looked really really cool.
By Joshua

On the 9th of August at 10.30am three of the Hawkes Bay Rugby Team visited Mkk School. Their names were Brad Webber, Hugh Reed and Brodie Retallick. They answered some of our exploding questions and gave us some tips and some drills for people who play rugby.
By Rupert

It was August the 9th, three Magpies were coming. Dan Sommerville had come but he wasn't a Magpie he was the development officer for rugby Hawkes Bay. Hugh Reed, Brad Webber and Brodie Retallick came and they were the massive Magpies. Magpies are actually a rugby team. It was held in the library and out on the field. They were inside answering our bursting questions and outside going through some drills, (also tips). Once they had finished teaching us some drills, they gave their autographs. I felt glad they had come because I got to see the Magpies close up. Also they answered my questions.
By Libby


annabel said...

wow! mt's i looks like you have had a cool black and white day with the magpies.

annabel, dezire said...

Hi MTS it looks like you have had a cool day magpies are you going to have another exsploding day with the awesome magpies?
from dezire and annbel

Anonymous said...

Hi M.T I like your storys Sophie