Thursday, 11 August 2011

Birthday Kid

The MTs celebrate birthdays by lighting our special candle which we made when we visited the Early Settlers Museum.  We sing, make a wish and discuss how we celebrate the day with our families.  The previous 'birthday kid' crowns the next 'birthday kid'!
August 11 was Riley's big day
 - he is now years old, wow!

Hunter is seven years old too!
Jenessa turned 8 today 20.09.11


Angela said...

Hi MTs

I like the way that you celebrate birthdays with the birthday crown, and I also like the way that you celebrate with the candle.
I wonder whose birthday it is going to be next?

Cora said...

Hi MTs

I like the way that you painted your candle holder. It is very colourful.
I hope you had a great day.